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Ultimate Flexibility
Adaptive Load Management allows properties to add 10x the number of stations on the same circuit
70% less to install, own, and operate

Full Turnkey Solution
Provides a true turnkey service from site design to installation and ongoing support
Handle everything so you can focus on what’s most important

Always Positive NOI
Our system never incurs a negative NOI
Property owners set kWh rates and bill residents, ensuring stations produce maximum returns
The ULTIMATE EV Charging Solution

"Integrating Pando Electric’s EV charging outlets has been a seamless process…Pando’s turn-key solution brings a really hassle-free experience."
Property Manager
"I would recommend my apartment since they have the charger readily available, avoids the hassle of going to superchargers every week. I appreciate the apartment catering to the needs of EV drivers"
Pando User
"The app is very nice and charging has been very stable."
Pando User

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